Miracle League Baseball

Welcome to The Miracle League of Stanislaus County

Dear Friend of the Miracle League of Stanislaus County,

There is nothing more heartwarming than to see children playing America’s favorite pastime. But for children facing serious physical and mental disabilities, that opportunity isn’t always easy to achieve. Baseball diamonds are not exactly designed for athletes with wheelchairs or crutches in mind. With your help, we can remove these barriers and allows these special athletes to experience the joy of playing baseball.

Miracle League fields remove the obstacles that arise from the natural grass fields used in conventional youth facilities. Miracle League teams play on a custom-designed, rubberized surface field which will accommodate wheelchairs and other assistive devices. In other words, it levels the playing field where children can hit, run and catch – just as they envisioned in their dreams!

The Miracle League of Stanislaus County will provide a community outreach for volunteers from young and old to benefit from the action on the field. Through the “buddy” program, youth and community volunteers partner with our players to provide assistance and encouragement. The partnership benefits both sides as they share the great American pastime to find common ground and, most importantly, friendships.

For more information contact Channa at miracleleaguemodesto@gmail.com or call (209) 900-4515. You can also visit their website at miracleleaguemodesto.com

2025 Spring Season is Here!

Registration is NOW OPEN!

Hey ML friends! We know you’ve been patiently waiting for spring season registration to open, so have at it. We are happy to announce that the season will be starting on Saturday, March 8 and will run for eight weeks. Sign up soon before spots fill up. Remember, we always need help. If you’re willing to lend a helping hand or know someone who does, send them our way. See you on the field!

*The Miracle League website is currently down, the following links will be the only way to register for the season.

*If you are not able to make an online payment, please reach out to Channa for other registration/payment options.
Register as a PLAYER: miracleleaguesignup.com
Register as a VOLUNTEER: tinyurl.com/2025-ML-SVol

COST: $40 per season
DATE: Saturday mornings from March 8 – May 10, 2025 (excluding April 19 & 26)
TIME: varies
Game #1 @ 8:30AM
Game #2 @ 9:45AM
Game #3 @ 11:00AM
LOCATION: Miracle League Field
1020 Pelandale Ave, Modesto 95356

For more information or questions, call us at (209) 900 – 4515 or email us at miracleleaguemodesto@gmail.com.


“Dear Sponsors,

Thank you very much for sponsoring a great program. This has been a wonderful experience for our family. We are grateful to have been a part of the season.” — The Andersen Family

“From the bottom of our hearts, we THANK YOU.” — Love Analito Jr & Jennifer R.

“Thank you so much for your sponsorship of the Miracle League. The kids are having a great time as are the parents. This is a wonderful program and thanks again for all your help and support.” — The Hull Family

“Thank you for sponsoring the Miracle League! Our son had the privilege of being a buddy and it was a great experience for him to see good people coming together to support great kids! It means so much!” — Bill & Joanne K.

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